October 25, 2012 — By WPTouch Admin
WPtouch Pro Tips Central: CigarDojo.com Wins Our First Top Mobile Site Award!
Congratulations to the CigarDojo.com team on being the first ever recipients of our new WPtouch Pro Top Mobile Site award! CigarDojo.com is standout mobile site that does a exemplary job of taking advantage of WPtouch Pro’s features. Find out what makes the site a winner and pick up ideas for your own WPtouch Pro projects in this special edition of our Tips Central posts.
Have you worked on a WPtouch Pro-powered site that you think has what it takes to be one of our Top Mobile Sites? Be sure to let us know in the comments!
Site URL: www.cigardojo.com
Master Sensei: Eric Guttormson
License Type: Single*
CigarDojo on Twitter: @CigarDojo
Eric Guttormson on Twitter: @ericguttormson
*We’ve upgraded Eric’s WPtouch Pro license to a Developer License as part of winning our WPtouch Pro Top Mobile Site award.
How long have you been using WPtouch Pro?
The CigarDojo blog opened in February 2012 and we added the WPtouch Pro plugin a few months later, in May. Therefore, we have had our website “mobilized” for about six months.
Why did you choose WPtouch Pro to power your mobile site?
We had tested a few mobile themes for our blog and were not satisfied with the results. We wanted a mobile version of our website that appeared to be state-of-the-art and we considered hiring an agency to custom create a solution for us. After finding WPtouch Pro, we knew without a doubt it was the product for us. After testing the free version for a day or so we bought the Pro version and lived happily ever after.
What do you like most about using WPtouch Pro?
The look and feel of the “mobilized version” of our site is what we like the most about WPtouch Pro. With very little effort we were able to make our mobile website look exactly the way we wanted it to look. We also love the iPad version of our website; it’s great having two distinct mobile versions of the site, one for phones and one for tablets. Another one of my favorite aspects of WPtouch Pro is the way the user comments are formatted for mobile users. In fact I wish I could make my full-blown site look half as cool. Everything about WPtouch Pro is slick and well-coded.
What improvements would you like to see included in future WPtouch Pro updates?
I can’t think of anything that could make WPtouch Pro a better product. It’s masterfully coded and very affordable, what more could your ask for?
Note: Links to support documentation are available exclusively to current WPtouch Pro customers who are logged into bravenewcode.com.
1. Mobile brand extension
CigarDojo.com does a fantastic job of visually extending the non-mobile website theme to the mobile theme. The site ensures good continuity of experience regardless of the device used to visit. The two themes are unified through the use of WPtouch Pro’s ability to add a custom logo, use a background image for the site, and add custom menu icons.
Support Documentation: Adding Custom Icons and Sets

Mobile brand extension
2. Keeping it simple
One of the strengths of CigarDojo.com’s mobile theme is its simplicity. In keeping with good useability guidelines for mobile sites, only selected content was added to the WPtouch Pro mobile theme. For example, the mobile menu only includes a few added links while other menu items and sidebar content was left for the non-mobile theme where space permits. By making judicious use of available WPtouch Pro styling, content, and added functionality options, the mobile theme for CigarDojo.com is uncluttered, attractive, and easy to navigate.
One suggestion is to use a custom WordPress menu in order to eliminate the duplication of the menu items for the CigarDojo app. Implementing iOS6 Smart Banner capability might be an even stronger method of promotion on the mobile site experience.
Support Documentation: Using a custom WordPress menu
3. WordTwit Pro
CigarDojo.com makes use of WPtouch Pro’s built-in support for WordTwit Pro allowing Tweets to be populated and viewed from the menu area.

WordTwit Pro Integration
Are you interested in having your WPtouch Pro-powered site featured in our “Tips Central” series? Please drop us a note through our contact form to inquire.