WPtouch Pro Changelog
Get the scoop on what has changed in each release.
Version 4.3.53 (May 13th, 2024)
- Minor fixes.
- Added: Reddit social sharing.
Version 4.3.52 (April 19th, 2024)
- Bug fixes.
Version 4.3.51 (April 11th, 2024)
- Minor fixes; WordPress 6.5.2 compatibility
Version 4.3.50 (September 28th, 2023)
- Minor fixes; WordPress 6.3.1 compatibility
Version 4.3.49 (May 23rd, 2023)
- PHP 8 compatibility
- Bug fixes
- Extension and theme bug fixes
Version 4.3.48 (March 23rd, 2023)
- License display issue corrected.
Version 4.3.47 (March 13th, 2023)
- 3rd party plugin compatibility fixes.
Version 4.3.46 (February 15th, 2023)
- Jetpack media compatibility fixes.
Version 4.3.45 (February 6th, 2023)
- Bug fixes.
Version 4.3.44 (February 2nd, 2023)
- Bug fixes.
Version 4.3.43 (January 12th, 2023)
- Security tightening.
Version 4.3.42 (December 12th, 2022)
- Security fixes.
Version 4.3.41 (August 25th, 2022)
- Minor security tightening. Versioning.
Version 4.3.39 (July 25th, 2022)
- Minor menu fix.
Version 4.3.38 (May 5th, 2021)
- Fixed subsequent menu icon jQuery error.
Version 4.3.37 (May 4th, 2021)
- Fixed menu icon jQuery error.
Version 4.3.36 (November 11th, 2020)
- Fixed additional CSS issues that disrupted Pro configure wizard.
Version 4.3.35 (August 26th, 2020)
- Fixed CSS issues that disrupted usability.
Version 4.3.34 (April 13th, 2019)
- Added: SMS sharing option to base Foundation theme.
Version 4.3.33 (March 26th, 2019)
- Added: kinsta.com check so they can optimize WPtouch plugin caching on their hosting platform.
- Added: Tested up to date.
Version 4.3.32 (February 11th, 2019)
- Fixed: Issue where links with sms protocols would get stripped from content.
Version 4.3.31 (November 28th, 2018)
- Fixed: Issue where settings being saved as arrays wouldn't save.
Version 4.3.30 (November 21st, 2018)
- Fixed: Issue where iframe height might be cut off + additional Gutenberg/block related styling changes.
Version 4.3.29 (November 6th, 2018)
- Fixed: Gutenberg/blocks compatibility.
- Fixed: Fixed issue with YouTube embeds and AdSense code could white screen page.
- Fixed: PHP7+ warning.
Version 4.3.28 (October 29th, 2018)
- Fixed: Prevent CDATA tags being stripped from custom analytics text area entries.
Version 4.3.27 (October 19th, 2018)
- Fixed: Script tag attributes being stripped from custom analytics text area entries.
Version 4.3.26 (October 16th, 2018)
- Fixed: Add helper file to output WordPress comment form cookie checkbox field for child themes that contain custom comment form layouts.
- Fixed: Potential XSS vulnerability relating to saving plugin settings in the WordPress admin.
Version 4.3.25 (May 10th, 2018)
- Fixed: TypeError on setSelectionRange JavaScript error for email field on checkout page.
Version 4.3.24 (March 8th, 2018)
- Fixed: Issue where html would be output for social media links when none are set.
Version 4.3.23 (Feb 8th, 2018)
- Added: Additional core theme support items.
Version 4.3.22 (Feb 2nd, 2018)
- Fixed: Double escaping on post content which caused certain shortcodes not to work properly.
Version 4.3.21 (Feb 1st, 2018)
- Fixed: Added additional sanitization and escaping to data pulled saved to and pulled from the database.
Version 4.3.20 (Dec 27, 2017)
- Fixed: URl typo.
- Updated: Logic for script output in customizer custom footer content.
Version 4.3.19 (Nov 16, 2017)
- New Feature: Live view of customizer additional CSS field content.
Version 4.3.18 (Oct 6, 2017)
- Fixed: Output of script tags within the customizer custom footer content area.
Version 4.3.17 (Oct 5, 2017)
- New Feature: Added 'foundation_settings_footer' filter to Foundation theme to allow for changes to customizer footer settings for future theme support.
- New Feature: Filter 'wptouch_pro_analytics_settings' for manipulation of analytics settings.
- Fixed: Prevent stripping of form input elements from the additional footer html content entered in the customizer.
Version 4.3.16 (Aug 21, 2017)
- Security: Added escaping to untrusted output.
Version 4.3.15 (May 29, 2017)
- WPML Compatibility: Allows posts to display for chosen language in mobile blog index.
- Fixed: Bug where password protected pages would not display properly with 'process desktop shortcodes' option enabled.
Version 4.3.14 (May 10, 2017)
- New Feature: Adds default functionality to send no cache request headers when mobile theme is showing. Also adds option in admin to disable this functionality.
Version 4.3.13 (April 25, 2017)
- Fixed: Bug where backslashes were being stripped from shortcode display.
Version 4.3.12 (April 10, 2017)
- Fixed: PHP 7.1.2 error regarding "Process desktop theme shortcodes" option.
Version 4.3.11 (March 20, 2017)
- Fixed: Updated functionality for theme incompatibility notice to be permanently dismissed.
- Fixed: Updated functionality for plugin incompatibility notice to be permanently dismissed.
- Fixed: Bug where automatically-chosen font colors were wrong.
Version 4.3.10 (March 6, 2017)
- Fixed: Bug that didn't allow mobile / desktop switching in specific W3TC configuration.
- Fixed: Warning that appeared for sites running PHP 7.1+.
- Speed Improvement: Minimize Bauhaus CSS & JavaScript.
Version 4.3.9 (February 21, 2017)
- Speed Improvement: Minimize foundation CSS & JavaScript.
- Speed Improvement: Reduce HTTP requests by inlining small stylesheets.
- Speed Improvement: Minimize internal module CSS & JavaScript.
Version 4.3.8 (February 9, 2017)
- Fixed: Better support for SSL in the WPtouch Pro settings page
Version 4.3.7 (December 22, 2016)
- Fixed: Bug that sometimes prevented the customizer from showing the mobile theme
Version 4.3.6 (December 12, 2016)
- Fixed: Error message that appeared when running the latest version of Wordfence
Version 4.3.5 (November 23, 2016)
- Fixed: Minor bugs and issues reported by customers and users
- Added: Support for Bauhaus' new comment form
Version 4.3.4 (November 10, 2016)
- Fixed: Minor bugs and issues reported by customers and users
Version 4.3.3 (October 27, 2016)
- Fixed: Warnings that appeared for sites running PHP 7
- Fixed: Minor bugs and issues reported by customers and users
Version 4.3.2 (September 28, 2016)
- Fixed: Better compatiblity with W3TC and PHP 5.2
Version 4.3.1 (September 26, 2016)
- Fixed: Compatibility issue with W3TC
Version 4.3 (September 23, 2016)
- Added: Support in WPtouch and WPtouch Pro for Bauhaus 2
- New: Layouts in Bauhaus 2! — switch between post listings and a multi-carousel view, or showcase your posts in a full-height carousel view (Pro only)
- Added: Support in WPtouch Pro for Power Pack, our new performance extension which replaces Infinity Cache and Responsive Images
- Fixed: An issue which could cause settings to appear unsaved in the Customizer
- Fixed: Minor bugs and issues reported by customers and users
Version 4.2.3 (September 1, 2016)
- Fixed: An issue which causes the switch link setting to be hidden
- Fixed: An issue which prevented category filtering from working correctly
- Updated: Admin js libraries
Version 4.2.2 (August 25, 2016)
- Added: New display option for Bauhaus featured slider
- Fixed: Minor plugin compatibility improvements
Version 4.2.1 (August 5, 2016)
- Fixed: An issue which could prevent the Customizer from switching between desktop and mobile
Version 4.2 (August 3, 2016)
- Added: Preview Theme button in admin
- Added: Support for Android styling of the browser toolbar
- Fixed: Minor issues in Customizer
Version 4.1.8 (July 19, 2016)
- Updated: Spanish translations
- Fixed: Search behaviour in some languages
- Fixed: Better compatibility with multisite
Version 4.1.7 (July 5, 2016)
- Fixed: Bug preventing some desktop theme shortcode content from displaying
- Fixed: Display issues with RTL menus and some themes
- Fixed: Conflicting JavaScript in some themes
Version 4.1.6 (June 30, 2016)
- Added: Desktop shortcode compatibility output now supports paginated posts and pages
- Updated: Autosave in admin panel is now a little more robust and optimized.
- Changed: Replaced library used for off-canvas menu in some themes (now using Slideout)
Version 4.1.5 (June 17, 2016)
- Added: Theme browser displays more details (long description, changelog) for custom themes
- Added: Option to choose which page the featured slider is shown on (Bauhaus, certain configurations)
- Added: Ability to delay desktop theme shortcode processing by defining a value for the WPTOUCH_SHORTCODE_TIMING constant in wp-config.php (allows plugins/themes with late 'init' hooks to add shortcode handlers)
- Changed: Auto-expand menu section if on a page within that section
- Changed: Reduced frequency of API calls in admin
- Changed: Cache warning is no longer displayed for sites running W3 Total Cache if a user agent group has been enabled to pass through mobile requests. As it is incompatible with this cache configuration, the desktop/mobile theme switch is disabled for sites using this cache configuration.
- Fixed: Autoplay slider was stopping on slide 2 when 'Repeat slides' was disabled
- Fixed: Bug preventing mobile template selector from being displayed
- Fixed: Incorrect XML sitemap output when Featured Slider was enabled
- Updated: Italian, Portuguese, Spanish translations
Version 4.1.3 (May 26, 2016)
- Added: Support for new setting types in admin
- Added: Descriptive labels throughout Customizer
- Added: Improved RTL support for featured slider
- Changed: Only display icon selection tool on items already saved to the menu (WordPress limitation)
- Changed: Replaced library used for featured slider (now using Owl Carousel)
- Changed: No icon selection shown for pending items (cannot select icons until item saved in menu)
- Changed: Only offer mobile template selector after the setup wizard has been completed
- Changed: Removed JavaScript alerts on multisite deployment and child theme creation
- Changed: Priority of theme filter for WordPress customizer when editing the mobile theme
- Fixed: Icon selector not fully overlaying other menu items when they've been expanded
- Fixed: Sites running child themes of Bauhaus can set featured slider type
- Fixed: No longer attempt to process desktop theme shortcodes on WooCommerce account page.
- Fixed: Table handling in several themes (no longer scroll the full content area)
- Fixed: Warnings when featured slider finds no content to display
- Fixed: Menu fields showing through icon picker
- Fixed: Display of long (non-breaking) titles in next/previous links
- Fixed: Multisite setting deployment could fail when a selected subsite hadn't completed the setup wizard
- Fixed: 'Save settings' spinner triggered when non-saving actions were taken
- Updated: Hebrew translation
Version 4.1.2 (May 3, 2016)
- Fixed: Auto-disable free plugin when WPtouch Pro is activated
- Fixed: Ensure correct theme active when downgrading from WPtouch Pro
- Updated: Translations for Arabic, French, Indonesian, Japanese, Portuguese
Version 4.1.1 (April 11, 2016)
- Added: Compatibility with WordPress 4.5
- Added: Setting to control which side the Bauhaus menu is shown on
- Added: Support for WPTOUCH_CLIENT_MODE constant to hide license page in admin menu
- Fixed: Bug with custom latest posts page when not set to the same as WordPress homepage
- Fixed: Search forms now allow searching while in preview mode
- Fixed: Eliminated PHP warnings
- Changed: If theme is installed, allow site admin to activate it, even if they cannot install new plugins/files
- Changed: Adjusted colour conversion for Luma-based colouring, ensuring true value is used
- Changed: Re-added 'show login' setting for sites that require users to be registered to comment.
- Changed: Spacing for AMP extension icon in admin tabs
Version 4.1 (March 24, 2016)
- Fixed: An issue where available themes may not show in the wizard when setting up the plugin
- Fixed: Custom themes with parentheses in the name were not selectable
- Fixed: Case where featured posts would always be repeated in listing if featured slider was set to show only 1 post
- Fixed: Error when page was not found
- Changed: Eliminated wizard reload after theme selection
- Added: Updates Available tab also installs WPtouch Pro updates when available
- Added: Greater compatibility with Storefront Customizer plugin
- Added: Better shortcode handling for sites mixing desktop theme and plugin shortcodes
- Added: New filters to support AMP extension
- Updated: Opera users agents to better specify supported opera versions and platforms
- Updated: Owl Carousel module assets to latest version
Version 4.0.18 (February 8, 2016)
- Fixed: WPtouch Pro menu no longer appears in Network Admin if plugin is not network activated
- Fixed: Multisite-aware content URLs for extensions (Advanced Type, Web App Mode)
Version 4.0.17 (January 28, 2016)
- Fixed: WPML languages in cart preview (MobileStore)
- Fixed: Retain WPML language parameter when redirecting to mobile landing page
- Fixed: Load more posts on custom posts page did not load posts in certain configurations
- Fixed: Web App Mode-related error in MobileStore theme.
- Fixed: Default link color applied to Related Posts in CMS
- Fixed: Parent theme JavaScript was not loading when child theme was active
- Changed: More consistent menu references in CMS
Version 4.0.16 (January 19, 2016)
- Fixed: Toggle fields not saving on some server configurations
- Fixed: Improve featured slider compatibility
- Fixed: Black field on blog index when featured slider is disabled.
- Changed: Allow new settings to have defaults recognized in the Customizer
- Changed: Homepage Redirect target is loaded in Customizer instead of standard homepage when set
Version 4.0.15 (January 5, 2016)
- Fixed: Styling of RTL admin updates available page
- Fixed: Menu icon selection when using relative-protocol media URLs
- Fixed: License entry form
- Fixed: Custom landing page redirect to custom latest posts page redirect loop
Version 4.0.14 (December 29, 2015)
- Added: On upgrade, migrate sites using the old "WordPress Pages" menu option to a custom WordPress menu
- Fixed: Custom Latest Posts Page handling
- Changed: Reduced cases when customizer cookie is set
- Changed: Fixed a case when the Featured Slider div was output even if disabled
Version 4.0.13 (December 22, 2015)
- Fixed: Minor RTL display issues in admin panel
- Fixed: Improper upgrade listing after upgrading to 4.x
- Fixed: Some websites' configuration caused incorrect links to uploaded images
- Fixed: Improved multisite compatibility for theme & extension updates
- Fixed: Occasionally improper filtering of posts outside the mobile theme
Version 4.0.12 (December 3, 2015)
- Changed: Now filtering sticky posts from the featured slider when a vategory or tag is chosen as the source
- Fixed: Desktop/mobile switch occasionally did not continue to apply when navigating
Version 4.0.11 (November 24, 2015)
- Changed: If plugin is network-activated, no longer show the license page in subsite admin menus.
- Fixed: More robust menu initialization
- Fixed: Better support for old themes
- Fixed: Compatibility with plugins adding custom metaboxes to admin
Version 4.0.10 (November 13th, 2015)
- Fixed: Security nonce used by AJAX requests
- Changed: Improvements to the setup wizard
Version 4.0.9 (November 12th, 2015)
- Changed: Improved upgrade experience for users of older themes
- Fixed: Default menu icons restored if upgrading from version 3
- Fixed: Social sharing link color if using social network colors
Version 4.0.8 (November 11th, 2015)
- Changed: Improved support for Windows/IIS installations
- Fixed: Persistent 'repair' message for certain free-to-pro migration conditions
Version 4.0.7 (November 10th, 2015)
- Changed: Make sure all WPtouch Pro scripts and css files are refreshed when the plugin is updated
- Changed: Make sure scripts and css files are loaded in the correct order
- Changed: Allow download for themes and extensions if auto-install fails
- Fixed: An issue which could prevent moving forward during wizard setup
Version 4.0.6 (November 6th, 2015)
- Changed: Prevent WordPress theme validation from being run when customizing the mobile theme
- Fixed: Some server configurations were saving incorrect stylesheet paths
- Fixed: An issue which could set WPtouch Pro's Display Mode setting to off after upgrade
Version 4.0.4 (November 3rd, 2015)
- Fixed: Customizer support for certain setting types
Version 4.0.3 (November 2nd, 2015)
- Changed: Now preserve settings when switching themes after upgrading from 3.x
- Fixed: WPtouch stylesheet was loading on the desktop theme
- Fixed: An issue which could cause shortcode not to be displayed properly
- Fixed: Preventing desktop themes from affecting WPtouch admin styling
Version 4.0.1 (October 31st, 2015)
- Changed: Updates to the wizard
Version 4.0 (October 29th, 2015)
- Added: Setup wizard for fast and easy configuration of key settings
- Added: Live editing of your chosen mobile theme via the WordPress Customizer
- Added: Full menu management within the WordPress Menu editor
- Added: Streamlined admin interface with clearer settings and options
- Added: Auto-install themes and extensions when you click activate
- Added: License & Support page with ability to de-license the current site and erase, delete, and deactivate functions
- Added: New icon set, Open Iconic
Added: Custom licensing - buy just the themes and extensions and as many site activations as you want
- Changed: Basic Ads, Related Posts, and Web-App Mode are now optional extensions
- Changed: Moved settings backup/restore to account page
- Changed: Sharing links offer pinterest instead of google+
- Changed: Removed admin notifications code and pointers code
- Changed: Removed theme auto-update
- Changed: Fastclick script was updated
Changed: Removed references to Twitter and WordTwit
- Fixed: Custom Post Types could not all be deselected
- Fixed: Featured Slider uses custom thumbnail field if one has been selected in blog settings
- Fixed: Private Posts were not being included in the featured slider if a user was logged in and able to view the post
- Fixed: Search in MobileStore using non-ASCII characters could cause JavaScript errors
- Fixed: Untranslated strings in MobileStore
- Fixed: JavaScript conflict introduced in 3.8.7