Improve Mobile WordPress Theme for your Site
Improve Mobile WordPress Theme for Your Site
A great way to increase website visibility for any business is to increase your mobile searches. Since mobile searches make up a large (and growing) number of overall Internet usage, it is only fitting that increasing mobile searches will grow your site’s overall exposure. There are a few ways to do this but the most effective, fastest way is by optimizing your mobile WordPress theme and your site’s mobile usability.
Using the WPtouch WordPress mobile site optimization plugin to create a version of your site that is specifically designed for mobile use is the single most effective way to improve your site’s mobile accessibility and, in turn, it’s success.
Download the plugin today and see for yourself!
A WordPress Theme Mobile Devices Will Love
Google is known for constantly updating their algorithms that determine search engine ranks. One of the biggest challenges website owners run into is adjusting to Google’s latest updates or if they’re lucky, how to stay ahead of the latest trends before they’re impacted.
One of the best ways to make Google happy and push your website higher amongst SEO ranks is by formatting your site especially for mobile devices. You’ve probably visited a site that wasn’t formatted correctly, characterized by an extremely slow load time or, once it did finally load, images were not aligned correctly on the page and text overlapped with images. To fix these issues, optimizing a mobile version of the site creates a version that is:
1) Formatted especially for WordPress mobile users. Instead of using a responsive design that detects the size of the user’s screen and adjusts accordingly, WPtouch creates a completely new, mobile version of your existing WordPress site. No need to create a brand new site or use responsive themes that alter the site’s appearance.
2) The fastest version of your mobile site, faster even, in some cases, than your desktop version and other mobile plugins
3) Reflective of your brand. WPtouch has a variety of themes that don’t just accommodate your brand but work with it to make sure it completely reflects the goals and design of your product. You get a mobile version of your site that looks exactly as expected.
4) Affordable. WPtouch is affordable no matter what stage your business is in; starting at a Basic and moving all the way to an Enterprise package, choose the features, themes and extensions that suite you and your company best. BONUS: upgrade your package at any time; WPtouch adjusts with you, expanding at your business needs do.
With WPtouch, carefully craft a WordPress theme mobile devices and Google will love.
The Best WP Mobile Theme for Your Business
One of the best things about WPtouch that make us stand out amongst other mobile optimization sites is our flexibility and customization to work with your WordPress site. Every WP Mobile Theme is designed with a specific use, in order to satisfy the needs of a particular type of business in mind. Which WP mobile theme for mobile WordPress is best for your site?
The available themes are as follows:
– Bauhaus for a flexible, elegant look, elevating your blog to the next level.
– Mobilestore designed for ecommerce site. Choose this theme to improve the user experience and, in turn, increase sales.
– Classic Redux is ideal for powerful header navigation, increasing the usability of the menu layout.
– CMS is ideal for sites with tons of content, pages, images etc.
– Simple is just that, an easy to navigate and use theme great for small business blogs.
– Prose is great when you want your content to go viral. This theme makes it easy to view and read content on a mobile device and then share that content to push it to go viral.
– Open is similar to Simple with the added benefit of targeting brick-and-mortar stores. Easily display information such as locations, opening and closing hours and special deals or menus.
Download the plugin and experiment with different themes!
Once You Choose A WordPress Theme for Mobile Use…
After you determine exactly which WordPress theme for mobile use benefits you the most, you can launch your mobile site and see your mobile rankings sore. The better your online rankings, the better your website performs overall and the higher your conversion rates. Conversion rates are the rates at which you can convert a reader or visitor to your page into a profit, whether a monetary or otherwise. This is, of course, the goal of your business the success you are striving to reach.
Some more WPtouch features to look forward to include:
– One-click installation and the addition of a professional installation extension, if you desire
– Amazing customer support – a team of developers and WP team members is always standing by, waiting to help your site with any technological or formatting problems that may arise. Even if technology isn’t your thing, get the best possible mobile site up and running as soon as possible with WP staff standing by to help
– Offered in 23 different languages
– Switch back and forth from the mobile to desktop version of your site quickly and easily
– Maintain your WordPress existing URL
– Multisite support and tools let you toggle between several sites and control settings and feature visibility depending on the site that is being displayed. Manage multiple sites at once, growing your business effortlessly, with WordPress tools
What more could you want from a WordPress mobile optimization plugin than a site that adjusts automatically according to Google, is formatted specifically for mobile usage and doesn’t cost a fortune?
Choose your mobile WordPress theme package through WPtouch for the best mobile version of your existing WordPress site today. One WordPress blog review put it particularly eloquently:
“Having a mobile-friendly site is crucial now that mobile devices are so popular.
While modern responsive themes are easier to find than ever, you may not want to switch from your old non-responsive theme. Or, you may prefer having a very fast version of your website for mobile users.
If so, we recommend using WPtouch. It’s an easy way to create a fast loading, mobile friendly version of your site without affecting the design of your desktop site.
We give WPtouch 5 out of 5 stars.” – KeriLynn Engel,
Download WPtouch and start experiencing what everyone is raving about.