We often get asked to see examples of what a mobile WordPress website looks like using one of the included mobile WordPress themes in WPtouch Pro. We wanted to share with you a few different sites that appear to be using WPtouch Pro and one of the included mobile themes. A few of these sites have customized it slightly, and we wanted to point out what they have done differently.
Mobile Sites using WPtouch Pro
Classic Redux Mobile Theme
The mobile website for Gizmodo.com.
The french version of Gizmodo appears to be utilizing the ‘Classic Redux’ mobile WordPress theme included in WPtouch Pro.
Your can clearly see the included Featured Content Slider on the front page which helps showcase various articles on the site. It can be configured to show a series of specific posts, the most recently written posts, or even the latest content from a specific WordPress category or tag.
Since the content on the Gizmodo.fr website is all in french, WPtouch Pro is utilizing the included french language translations for the included theme. Currently WPtouch Pro is available in 21 different languages, but it will support 23 languages soon.
There is an advertising unit shown right under the header of their website – the type of advertisement that is displayed there can easily be configured from within the WPtouch Pro administration panel. And while most customers use Google adense, you can drop in whatever custom output you want in this area depending on what advertising service you want to use.
Outside of that most of the branding colours and fonts are the defaults included within the Classic Redux mobile theme for WordPress, and it looks great.
Simple Mobile Theme
The mobile website for BraveNewCode.com:
Our own site here at BraveNewCode is based on the Simple Mobile WordPress theme that’s included in WPtouch. For us it was important to highlight WPtouch Pro on the front page as well prominently display the navigation links for the user. The WPtouch Pro Simple mobile WordPress theme accomplishes that nicely in its default configuration. We made a few small customizations related to our Support Centre and the product page, but other than that it’s mostly the default Simple theme that’s included in WPtouch Pro.
Our website also makes use of the featured content slider, but in our case we’ve preconfigured it to only show content from two specific WordPress pages. Combined with the featured images on those pages, WPtouch Pro will showcase only the content we think is the most important for our users. In our case that content pertains to our flagship mobile plugin for WordPress, WPtouch Pro.
We’ve also made use of the ability to upload a custom logo image via the WPtouch admin panel. In this way it’s easy to have your desktop website branding flow through to your mobile site for a more seamless browsing experience.
CMS Mobile Theme
The mobile website for Scientias.nl:
The CMS Mobile Theme for WPtouch lives up to its name – it’s really meant for large sites with varied content and often a large taxonomy. As a result it has the ability to display two separate menus to assist with navigation around the site. If you couple that with the built-in ability of WPtouch Pro to show custom post types, the CMS theme is well suited for news or large content sites.
The example website shown here is using the CMS Mobile WordPress theme in mostly a default configuration. They have adjusted the colours slightly and uploaded a custom logo image to maintain their branding. The featured content slider is also showing the latest posts on the website, which in their case are cool scientific articles regarding the moon and outer space.
One other feature of the CMS mobile theme that is shown here is the prominent position of the search button. Since most CMS websites have a great deal of content, the search button is dominant to assist end-users with locating the content on your website.
This website is also a non-english version of WPtouch Pro; in this case they are using the included Dutch translation for their website, as it’s targeted for people of the Netherlands.
Custom CMS Mobile Theme Example
The mobile website for Technabob.com:
While you don’t have to be a mobile WordPress website developer to use WPtouch Pro, our mobile theme framework makes mobile site development extremely simple.
Technabob’s website is a good example of that, as it appears to be rockin’ a customized version of the CMS mobile theme.
There’s not only a Google advertising unit at the top, but also a large square format one at the bottom which undoubtedly increases advertising revenue.
He’s also chosen to use custom Google webfonts, which is a featured included in most WPtouch Pro themes. In this case he’s chosen to use the font Monda for the header menus, which helps his site stand out for other mobile websites that just use the generic browser fonts.
Another feature of the CMS mobile WordPress theme for WPtouch Pro that he is using is the category slider shown near the top. With this feature users can easily swipe left and right on their mobile devices to browse your website by categories, a great addition to WordPress websites with large taxonomies.
Another example of the CMS theme is shown in the top image of this post – it’s the website for citypress.co.za, a South African website that appears to be using WPtouch Pro. It’s also another great example of a stylized version of the CMS mobile theme included in WPtouch Pro.
A Theme For All Seasons
As you can see, it’s extremely easy to customize the look and feel of your mobile WordPress website using WPtouch Pro thanks to the three included mobile WordPress themes: Simple, CMS, and Classic Redux.
While you don’t need development chops to use the plugin, if you know a little PHP or CSS you can quickly customize your mobile website a bit further as some of the owners of the websites above have done. But don’t let that deter you – WPtouch Pro is the perfect mobile solution for WordPress that caters to coders and non-coders alike, and in most cases you can simply install the plugin and activate it with a single click to have a complete mobile WordPress website.